Boone Safaris
Welcome to Boone Safaris, where we lead unforgettable small group safaris to some of Africa's most incredible destinations. Our safaris are designed to immerse you in the local culture and environment, while creating a community among travelers. Join us on a life-changing safari and understand why our guests proclaim this the best trip of their lives. In addition to leading small group safaris, we arrange custom tailored safaris through our partners in eastern and southern Africa.
Andrea Tabor
"Trip of a lifetime. Drop everything and sign up now. It was spectacular."
Jack Brundige
"Thank you Boone! It was the most amazing trip! I still think of that trip and the wonderful time
we had and friends we made! Yes, just do it! You do not want miss this trip of a lifetime!"
Martha Brett
"All I can say is go! This trip exceeded our expectations in every regard. Truly the trip of a lifetime. All we did was decide to go, pay, and show up, Just about everything else was taken care of."
Our Story
We started Boone Safaris to share our love of Africa with our friends (current and those we've yet to meet). We've been married 34 years and recently moved to the mountains near Blowing Rock, North Carolina. Our mailing address is Boone, NC. Yes, Boone moved to Boone. Paula retired from teaching and Boone closed his executive search business to be a full time safari guide and wildlife photographer. When hosting safaris, Paula is in charge of fun. She leads dance parties around the bonfire after dinner. Boone is a morning person and likes to go to bed before the dance party. He will share his knowledge of the wildlife and photography and take lots of pictures of guests enjoying their safari. But don't expect any pictures taken after 9 pm.
Boone and Paula
Why Boone Safaris?
African safaris are all we do. Specialization separates us from other travel companies.
We take you to places we have been and have strong relationships with the camps.
Communication. We respond quickly to all your questions or concerns (the same day in most cases).
Private camps with great people. You won’t be crammed into a safari vehicle with strangers.
Professional photographer (Boone) capturing pictures of you on safari. You also receive Boone’s images of the wildlife you see. He will create a personalized coffee table book of your safari.
Boone is certified in African Game Ranging/Field Guiding. He will share his passion and knowledge of wildlife with you on your safari.